Tech Neck Treatment

This is how we help you

tech neck treatment
BodyFix Chiropractic Clinic reception area

Belmont & Medowie Chiropractor Dr. Adam Wild Offers Effective Solutions for Tech Neck

In today’s digital age, many people are suffering from a condition commonly referred to as tech neck. This ailment, characterized by neck pain and discomfort, arises from prolonged periods spent hunched over mobile devices. Known by various names—including smart phone spine, text neck, and anterior head syndrome—tech neck is an increasingly prevalent issue affecting both adults and children, whose developing bodies are particularly vulnerable.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Tech Neck

If you find yourself using a mobile device for more than 90 minutes a day, you may be at risk for the following symptoms:

Neck Pain

Persistent discomfort that can extend into your shoulders.

Upper Back Pain

Tension and tightness in the upper back muscles.

Shoulder Pain

Discomfort that may radiate down the arms.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain, tingling, or numbness in the wrists and hands.

Increased Headaches and Migraines

Frequent headaches due to muscle strain and tension.

When you tilt your head forward to look at your device, the weight of your head can exert a force equivalent to nearly 60 pounds on your neck. This strain can lead to misalignments in your spine, pinched nerves, and strained muscles.

Comprehensive Care at BodyFix Chiropractic

At BodyFix Chiropractic, we specialize in addressing tech neck through a variety of treatments designed to alleviate pain and restore function. Our services include:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Gentle spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and improve posture.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

A non-surgical treatment that relieves pressure on the spine and promotes healing.

Radial Shockwave Therapy

A modern technique that uses acoustic waves to stimulate tissue repair and reduce pain.

Class 4 Laser Therapy

A non-invasive treatment that accelerates healing at the cellular level.

Dry Needling

Targeted therapy to release muscle tension and improve mobility.

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage to relax tight muscles and enhance overall well-being.

Proactive Measures to Prevent Tech Neck

Preventing tech neck is essential, especially for families. Here are some effective tips to maintain proper posture while using mobile devices:

Practice Good Posture

Sit or stand with your neck straight, eyes looking forward, and shoulders relaxed but back.

Elevate Your Device

Raise your mobile device to eye level to avoid bending your head down.

Support Your Arms

Rest your elbows on a table or use a pillow to support your arms while using devices.

Limit Text Length

Avoid lengthy messages and emails on your mobile device—keep it concise!

Take Regular Breaks

Stretch, walk around, or do specific therapeutic exercises recommended by our chiropractors.

Use Bluetooth Devices

Prevent craning your neck by using Bluetooth for longer phone calls.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you’re experiencing symptoms of tech neck or want to prevent them, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Adam Wild and the BodyFix Chiropractic team today. We’re here to provide personalized care designed to alleviate your pain and enhance your quality of life.

Call us now at 02 4945 8688 or visit our locations in Belmont and Medowie to start your journey toward relief and wellness.